Podcast Guesting Is A Killer Marketing Strategy For 2023



Congratulations! You’ve been invited to be a guest on a podcast – now what?

Podcasting is really just a digital form of storytelling and, as I’ve discussed in previous articles, storytelling is one of the most effective ways to engage with an audience. It’s never been more important than in today’s world, with short attention spans and the huge audience potential. In fact, almost 60% of all US consumers listen to podcasts. Just consider the ROI!

My previous article shared tips from podcast experts Marla Isackson, Beth Silver Pilchik and Susan Salenger on how to land a spot on a podcast. Once you secure an invitation, you have to prepare to be the most effective storyteller you can be; remember, one good conversation can lead to many more invitations in the future.

Over prepare.

Podcasts should never be improvised, advises Silver Pilchik. Preparation is key.

Part of that preparation includes adhering to the host’s process, says Ed Kless. The Soul of Enterprise podcast host said, “I can’t tell you the number of times I have had guests show up without having sent me their bio for the introduction.”

It’s also very important to listen to past episodes so you can learn about the typical format and scope of the interview, the host’s interview style and the pace of a typical conversation. It’s helpful to research the podcast’s audience so you can tailor your responses to their needs and interests, recommends Isackson. This can be done by following the podcast on social media and reading through the comments.

Next, practice what you will talk about. Ask the host or producer in advance for a list of potential interview questions and practice your responses out loud. It’s also helpful to nail down three key messages you want to convey and have three good stories or anecdotes pertaining to the topic ready to go to add color and dimension to the discussion.

Salenger says over preparing helps her with nerves. “Over preparing helps my…



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Podcast Guesting Is A Killer Marketing Strategy For 2023 – webhostingreviewsite.com