Content and intent as key players


The adage “content is king” is valid and will stay so. With the progression of AI, “Intent” will be the “Emperor”, making this content a better monarch.

Throughout history, technology has had an impact on humanity. Days were spent using a 35mm point-and-shoot camera in earlier days, taking weeks to complete the photo film and waiting weeks for it to be processed. SLR cameras were a luxury then. Digital cameras literally altered the habit of not being concerned with the number of clicks. Then came cell phones and a plethora of photography options. People began filming reels and making films on their cell phones and coupled with the advent of digital media, there is no longer a reliance on huge film production firms for fame. As customers, we adapted to these changes. What occurred with us was that the content (photography) remained the same, but the intent (sharing and gaining fame on social media) shifted. Thousands of individuals, like me, dabbled with photography as a hobby that was formerly exclusive to a wealthy few. Similar was the case with computerization with banking. Many of us have seen bank employees going on strike against it. But look at banking now. 

Program, Uninstall & Reprogram

Because conventional learning was built on concentration regions that imprisoned us in a state of mind, the terms Learn, Unlearn, and Relearn may soon shift to Program, Uninstall, and Reprogram. 

The previous process caused employees to focus on procedures, and many manhours were squandered in process repair before searching for implementation and outcomes. Many of these will stay, but with AI, humans will begin utilizing the time tomorrow to elaborate and refine the intent. With the exception of a few high-skill fields such as medicine, and engineering to name, persons with no experience in many fields can become experts in the years to come provided they…



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Content and intent as key players –