Working With URLs Using Go’s net/url Package


URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) are one of the internet’s most critical pieces of infrastructure. As you build web applications, you’ll need to manipulate URLs to locate and retrieve resources.

When you build more sophisticated web apps, you’ll need to work with URLs at a finer-grained level. You might need to identify the scheme, hostname, path, and query parameters. You’ll also need to know how to encode and decode URLs so you can handle special characters and keep your web application safe.

Go’s standard library provides the net/url package to handle URLs and URL components.

The URL Package

The url package provides comprehensive functions and features for working with URLs and their separate parts. It provides functions for parsing, constructing, encoding, and decoding URLs, making the package useful for web development.

Some of the key features of the url package are the ability to parse URLs into individual components for manipulation and URL construction for HTTP requests. The url package also provides a URL struct with a Parse method for parsing strings into URLs.

Here’s the url.URL struct model:

package main

type URL struct {
    Scheme string

    Opaque string

    User *Userinfo

    Host string

    Path string

    RawPath string

    ForceQuery bool

    RawQuery string

    Fragment string

    RawFragment string

Knowing how to access various parts of the URL struct can be useful for tasks like validation.

Parsing URLs Using the Parse Function

The Parse function of the url package provides the functionality for parsing URL strings into Individual components. The Parse function takes a single URL as an argument and returns a pointer to…



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Working With URLs Using Go’s net/url Package –