Will Content Marketing Be Swamped By Generative AI?


President Dale Carnegie Tokyo, Japan, Master Trainer, best-selling author, his latest book is “How To Stop Wasting Money On Training.”


Content marketing has been around for many years now and is an accepted way of appealing to clients. Thought leadership and intellectual property are given away for free to establish our credentials with buyers. If we show how knowledgeable we are, prospective clients will choose us over our rivals.

So for many years now, blogs, books, podcasts, magazine and newspaper articles, videos, online articles, social media posts, white papers, surveys and numerous other tools have been at the vanguard to prove we are experts in our fields. This has required a lot of hard-earned experience and an ability to communicate that experience to others.

Then generative AI tools like ChatGPT turned up and opened up a floodgate of content for people who are vying with us for the client’s attention.

AI generators are vast curators of knowledge from the entire world, and they are unbelievably fast at churning it out. How can one person compete with that? Our rivals can go to generative AI tools, then tweak the content and pass it off as their own efforts. Our clients probably cannot tell the difference. In a lot of cases, perception is everything. If the buyer sees you are pumping out vast quantities of content, they will conclude that you are an expert in this area, even though the chances are strong that they will never even read the content or not very much of it. Generative AI could become the great equalizer between competing firms in the content marketing department.

This is real for me. I have published six books and over 3,000 articles on LinkedIn and released 1,779 podcasts and 652 video show episodes. I am sure others also have substantial resources released out into the wild to prove expertise in certain areas. What can we do about all of this?

The answer is differentiation. ChatGPT and other similar engines are good at…



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Will Content Marketing Be Swamped By Generative AI? – webhostingreviewsite.com