Why do consumers trust influencer recommendations? According to these marketing execs, authenticity is key


Fancy being an influencer? According to market researcher Morning Consult, over half of Americans aged 13 to 38 do. The booming career choice is unsurprising, considering that a content creator can earn $1,000 easily for a single post.

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But to make it big in the saturated influencer market, hopefuls have to be authentic, which is a difficult attribute to maintain when your income depends upon creating content for paying brands.

“If you’re a creator, it’s good to have many different revenue streams, so you’re not solely reliant on working with brands,” says Mae Karwowski, founder and CEO of influencer marketing agency Obviously. “Then you have that flexibility and independence to only work with brands that you really like, and that’s really important.”

Karwowski founded Obviously in 2014 and says the creator economy has skyrocketed over the last 10 years, with the number of people who consider themselves “influencers” swelling from a few hundred thousand to over 50 million.

That 50 million number appears to come from an Influencer Marketing Hub report published in February 2023. Other estimates are much more conservative. Either way, the explosion of influencers and the emergence of niche “microinfluencers,” with fewer albeit loyal followers, has created an opportunity for brands to be more targeted in their marketing campaigns.

“A big thing that we do is actually try to work at scale as well,” Karwowski says. “So instead of a brand working with, say, three creators, we work with 50 or 100 creators with smaller audiences, but who actually truly love the brand, love the product, and are excited to work with the company.”

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Why do consumers trust influencer recommendations? According to these marketing execs, authenticity is key – webhostingreviewsite.com