What is web hosting? | IT PRO


Once you have built your shiny new website, you will next need to find a way to host it online. Most businesses need an office; but all websites need web hosting, as without it they can’t have a presence on the internet.

Web hosting is a service whereby you pay a web host, and they provide you with resources that you’ll need to run your website on the internet.

These resources depend on the type of hosting you go for, and the price you pay. You’re given access to a certain amount, and it usually concerns storage space and network bandwidth, which are allocated on one or more physical servers in a data center owned by the web hosting provider of your choice.

A wide variety of web hosting services are available, from free web hosting all the way up to enterprise-level packages, and depending on the technical requirements of your site, and your own personal technical knowledge, you can pay for and use these to access adequate site resources for your website.

Below, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know, so that you can then make the correct choice for your site’s web hosting.

What is web hosting?

A website needs resources to stay online. These resources include such things as storage space for the site’s content, and network bandwidth to let visitors smoothly access it. While the storage makes sure that you have enough space to store all your site’s files, bandwidth is the capacity of data that can be transferred between the website and its users.

The resources are obtained from a server—which is really just a powerful computer that’s connected to the internet at all times. Typically, a web hosting provider will have a large number of servers spread across one or more remote data centers. Depending on the plan you go for, the provider will allocate a set amount of resources on these servers for your website to use.

Web hosting: free or paid?

A question that a lot of budding website owners seem to ask is whether they should invest in a paid web hosting…



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What is web hosting? | IT PRO – webhostingreviewsite.com