What is a nameserver? | TechRadar


In order for your website to be accessible online, it needs to be hosted on a web server. This is a machine that is connected to the internet and stores your website files. 

When a person types in your domain name, their computer looks up the IP address of the web server where your website is stored, and then they are directed to your site. In order for this process to work, you need to set up DNS records with a domain registrar (opens in new tab) or web hosting (opens in new tab) company. 

These records tell the world where your website lives. One of the most important DNS (opens in new tab) records is the nameserver record. In this article, we will explain what a nameserver is and how it works.

What is a nameserver?

A nameserver is a server on the internet that is responsible for translating domain names into IP addresses. In other words, it is a server that helps computers connect to each other by providing the IP address of the requested website. 

Each domain name has at least two nameservers associated with it. One of them is typically the domain registrar while the other one is the hosting company. When you type in a domain name, your computer will contact the registrar’s nameserver first. 

The registrar’s nameserver will then contact the hosting company’s nameserver to get the IP address of the requested website. It will then send this information back to your computer so that you can access the website. 

How to use a nameserver?  

These are the steps you’ll need to follow if you want to set up a nameserver:

1. Choose a domain name for your nameserver. This can be anything you want, but we recommend something simple and easy to remember. 

2. Register your domain name with a reputable hosting provider. Once you’ve done this, you’ll be given two DNS (Domain Name System) records for your domain registration: an A record and an NS record. The A record will map your domain name (e.g., www.example.com) to an IP address (e.g., 192.168.), while the NS record will…



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What is a nameserver? | TechRadar – webhostingreviewsite.com