The UK start-up aiming to reduce digital emissions


John Ridd began his tech journey with Suffolk-based Infotex. Photo: Greenpixie

Co-founder and CEO of Greenpixie, John Ridd, 29, is building solutions to measure and reduce the emissions of companies’ digital operations, with $103bn (£83.96bn) wasted in idle cloud spend last year.

UK-based Greenpixie is aiming to raise £1.5m on top of its current investment while aiming for Series A in 2023, to bring its cloud emissions software “to the biggest possible audience”.

A few years ago I was living in Suffolk where there isn’t a massive tech scene. But there is a company called Infotex, a forward-thinking company handling digital marketing and web development and I was offered an internship in 2015 by Tim Webster, who not only changed my view on what a boss could be like but gave me the ability to my pursue interest in the tech industry.

He was self-deprecating, knowledgeable and didn’t wear his role above anyone else. And the position I was in, it gave me the confidence to pursue this tech direction, despite it being out of the norm for somebody from where I was living.

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Tim was the head of marketing and his passion for tech was contagious. He took time out of his own time to use data and create cool visuals, he turned me on to SEO and unwinding what the algorithms are actually using as input to infer value. It was the first time I had found a role that suited my way of thinking.

You can only go as far as people let you in a way. If somebody believes in you it can set you on a trajectory and that’s what Tim did for me.

Greenpixie uses technical innovation to provide solutions for measuring, reporting and reducing digital carbon. Photo: Greenpixie

The company told me when I signed the internship not to expect a job at the end of it. But I threw myself into it and ended up as a marketing executive. As an entrepreneur you might not know the perfect thing to do but you get an instinct for it.




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The UK start-up aiming to reduce digital emissions –