The Next Generation Of Digital Marketing


Vice President of Digital Business and Innovation at Stefanini, driving new product offerings and digital transformation.


Increasingly, marketing is digital marketing—and the ongoing evolution of the space is something every company needs to monitor diligently and respond to effectively. At a time when digital marketing has become such an important piece of the overall marketing puzzle that the digital distinction is almost unnecessary, understanding the principles and practices that support an effective digital marketing strategy is essential.

Common Missteps Of Digitial Marketing

What are some of the most common digital marketing missteps?

Poor Change Management

One common issue plaguing ineffective digital marketing programs is failing to incorporate a sufficiently flexible and collaborative change management strategy. Team structures and internal dynamics shaping collaboration between IT and marketing on digital projects are critically important.

Checking Boxes

Too many brands are overly focused on checking boxes across a range of digital platforms instead of focusing on what works best for them in alignment with their specific product/industry/audience/brand personality. Everyone has “FOMO” and wants a presence on every new or popular platform, but awkward fits and lack of focus just lead to wasted time and resources.

Failing To Strike A Balance

Misunderstanding the evolving balance between creativity and a robust tactical digital marketing strategy is another issue. While it used to be about the content or creative ideas first, now it’s fundamentally about how you use the channels available to you: finding the shortest way to consumers (with compelling content) in a way that gets them to come back.

Creativity still counts, but you cannot have a robust strategy if you don’t mix creativity and content with automation, channel strategy, digital media, etc.—connecting tactical ideas into an integrated digital approach.

New Lessons And…



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