The Evolution Of Direct Marketing


Corporate Director of Sales & Marketing at Focus USA, driving the alignment of sales and marketing.


Direct marketing—a marketing term that some have characterized as a tired or outdated form of marketing—is having its moment in the sun again. Have you spoken to a Gen-Z or Millennial marketer (like me) in the last five years about direct marketing and then heard an audible sigh? I would suggest bringing the topic up again and seeing what kind of response you get this time around.

While it’s true that direct mail is still a viable (if not thriving) marketing channel, many people only think of physical mailers when they hear “direct marketing.” But modern direct marketing has become an incredibly powerful tool for businesses looking to engage with their target audience and drive conversions. Thanks to advancements in technology, direct marketing has opened up new avenues—including email marketing, social media advertising and targeted online ads.

The Roots of Direct Marketing

When you think of traditional direct marketing, do you flashback to a stack of Sears, Roebuck & Co. catalogs in your mailbox each month? I personally have very fond memories of negotiating with my mother on which 12 CDs I could buy from the Columbia House for $1!

The idea that there was a way to reach consumers directly in their homes was a game-changing technique that was born in the 19th century, and it has shaped the way marketers think about connecting with consumers ever since.

As we have gained access to more data, we have also been able to refine our direct marketing strategies. The idea of personalizing brand messages has given way to a customized direct-to-consumer (DTC) marketing experience between the consumer and advertiser.

The Rise (Again) Of Direct Mail

What once was old is new again. From 2018 to 2021, there were a lot of articles published about how direct mail is not dead. In 2022, we saw marketers starting to shift their digital marketing budgets to direct…



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