OmniFish on Providing Support for Jakarta EE 10 and GlassFish 7


OmniFish, the Estonia-based Jakarta EE consulting company, launched support for Jakarta EE in September 2022 . The support includes JakartaEE 10, GlassFish 7, and Piranha Cloud and its components like Mojarra, a compatible implementation of the Jakarta Faces specification. OmniFish recently also joined the Jakarta EE Working Group as a participant member. InfoQ spoke to Arjan Tijms, David Matějček, and Ondro Mihályi about OmniFish.

InfoQ: What was the inspiration to start this new company?

Arjan Tijms: I have been involved with Java EE and Jakarta EE since 2000. With the release of OmniFaces in 2012 and contributions to Mojarra and JSF (Java Server Faces), I became more involved with specification work and APIs, which culminated in becoming the project lead of several Jakarta EE specifications and Eclipse projects. We set up OmnIFish to support this work directly and give customers access to the people who work on many Jakarta EE and Eclipse projects.

David Matějček: Jakarta EE is much more open and happy to accept any help from the community. I can now directly work on Eclipse GlassFish as a committer after 15 years of working with GlassFish and trying to work around the bugs I found. Now I would like to work on GlassFish to improve it for others that use it.

Ondro Mihályi: I strongly envision bringing innovations to the Java industry with Jakarta EE and GlassFish. I was pleased that we shared a similar vision with Arjan and David. We founded OmniFish to be able to pursue it.

InfoQ: Are there any particular Jakarta EE specifications that OmniFish will contribute?

Arjan Tijms: Yes, as I’m personally the project lead of the Jakarta Faces and Jakarta Security specifications, those will be the first and foremost ones on my list. With Piranha Cloud, we have implemented a Servlet container from scratch, so we are naturally also interested in the Servlet spec.

David Matějček: We are already committers on several…



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OmniFish on Providing Support for Jakarta EE 10 and GlassFish 7 –