Netflix dives deeper into sports programming



Tonight in Unpacks: Netflix continues to run with the ball as it expands its sports programming with documentaries on the 2022 World Cup and the Six Nations rugby tournament.

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Netflix will release two new docuseries as it continues its push into sports programming: one on the World Cup from Qatar being released this summer, and another on the Six Nations rugby tournament due out next year, reports SBJ’s John Ourand.

“This is an expansion of the sports category that we’ve had really good returns on,” said Brandon Riegg, Netflix VP/unscripted and documentary series. “As we’ve grown our sports programming portfolio, it felt important as a global company to have representation across a myriad of types of sports.”

The World Cup docuseries does not have a name yet, but it will have behind-the-scenes footage from all 32 teams. It was made through a partnership between Netflix and FIFA. Fulwell 73 produced it.

“Six Nations” similarly goes behind the scenes of the February-March competition. “We see the value in those stories. Similarly, the leagues see the value in being on a platform like ours and able to reach current fans and…



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