Learn Fundamentals of JavaScript : Number Variable, Multiple Variables, Booleans, Strings


Day 1 of #100DaysOfCode

After exams and lots of procrastination, I finally resumed my #100DaysOfCode journey with JavaScript. Today is the 1st day of my journey and learned some basic concepts of JavaScript.

I am going to write about my learnings in an explained way through my blogs and socials. If you want to join me on the learning journey, make sure to follow my blogs and social and share yours too. Let’s learn together!🫱🏼‍🫲🏼

Introduction to JavaScript

The foundation of contemporary online apps is JavaScript. Although that may sound pretentious or flowery, it is also the reality. JavaScript powers the contemporary web, your contemporary servers, and even the development environments on our computers. Whether it is web 2.0 or web 3.0, JavaScript is used everywhere.

Number Variable

A JavaScript variable is nothing more than a name for a storage area. In JavaScript, there are two different sorts of variables: local variables and global variables. When declaring a JavaScript variable, there are several guidelines (also known as identifiers).

The name must begin with an alphabetical letter (from A to Z), an underscore (_), or a dollar sign ($).
The first letter can be followed by any number from 0 to 9, such as the value 1.
JavaScript variables are case-sensitive; for instance, the variables x and X are distinct.
JavaScript variables are written in lowerCamelCase. for example const isLoggedIn = true;
JavaScript cares about variables in one word (not separated by space).

We store values in something called a variable.

const a = 5

In the above code, a is the variable. Number 5 is the value to be stored in a and const is a keyword used to declare a as a constant value in JavaScript.

Multiple Variables

JavaScript programs run line by line, the line const a = 5 is called a statement. In JavaScript, statements should end with ; (semi-colon). In some cases, JavaScript automatically inserts semi-colons in a statement. The best practice is to insert ; at every…



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Learn Fundamentals of JavaScript : Number Variable, Multiple Variables, Booleans, Strings – webhostingreviewsite.com