Law Firms Leveraging Owned Media Platforms


Related Practices & Jurisdictions

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Owned media – the content and media assets that a business creates and controls – is the secret weapon I use to create a steady stream of unique content for my clients. Yet so many organizations don’t use it to their advantage.

While traditional marketing methods still hold significant value, owned media has emerged as a powerful tool for law firms to differentiate themselves, build credibility and foster meaningful connections with their target audience.

It includes channels such as your website, blogs, social media profiles, email newsletters, podcasts, videos and any other platform where the business has complete control over the content and distribution.

Unlike earned media (publicity gained through PR efforts) or paid media (advertising purchased to reach an audience), owned media is content that is created and owned by the organization itself.

It allows businesses to have full control over their messaging, branding and communication with their target audience.

The benefits of owned media include increased brand visibility, and control over content and messaging. It is an essential component of a comprehensive marketing strategy and serves as a foundation for establishing a strong online presence.

With owned media, law firms have complete control over the content they produce and share.

By leveraging owned media platforms such as blogs, podcasts, videos and webinars, law firms and legal service providers can position themselves as thought leaders in their respective practice areas.

Benefits of Owned Media for Law Firms

Establishing Thought Leadership: By creating and sharing high-quality content through owned media channels, law firms can position themselves as thought leaders within their areas of expertise. Thoughtful articles, whitepapers, case studies and webinars can showcase the firm’s knowledge and experience, ultimately building trust and…..


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Law Firms Leveraging Owned Media Platforms –