Law Firm Content Marketing Trends to Follow in 2023 | Good2bSocial


[Author: Vondrae McCoy]

The new year is finally upon us. Hopefully, you’ve been following our content marketing blog and have taken away several great tips for starting 2023 off on the right foot. The new year is also a great time to review past performance, create and refine strategies, and look for new ideas that can be applied within your firm. We’ve asked our experts to consider a list of content marketing trends for law firms in 2023. Here are a few thoughts on what the next year has in store for you.

Content Marketing Trends 

1. Trust

If you want people to trust your law firm, it’s imperative to consistently share credible content with your audience. Concerns over privacy, security, and credibility have made individuals less inclined to trust companies and firms they do business with. It’s key that clients and prospects feel you have the right answers and are the best solution. Most people make decisions based on feelings of trust, and that’s especially true of legal consumers. Transparency in your marketing and business dealings is of utmost importance as you strategize for this year.

2. Align Your Law Firm with Credible, Influential Voices

It’s true that influencer marketing doesn’t look the same in the legal space as it does in other industries. However, there are still many leading lawyers creating content who might be happy to write a guest blog for your site or feature one of yours on their own. By engaging in influencer marketing, your law firm can use relationships with industry experts to leverage their own influence and be heard by a new audience. In many cases. it’s in the best interest of both law firms and compelling influencers to collaborate on content or thought leadership. Once you identify influencers to connect with, you can invite them to write a guest post for your blog, be the key speaker in their upcoming podcast, or have an expert opinion in their webinar. The opportunities are endless.

3. Continued Rise of…



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Law Firm Content Marketing Trends to Follow in 2023 | Good2bSocial –