Instant Famous: Instagram Marketing Platform To Watch Out For In 2023


It is well-known that video content is extremely important for building a brand. Customers are eager to check out a product or thought leadership. These days, short form videos are considered an easy way to consume content without needing to invest a lot of time in blog posts or captions.

On Instagram, there are several kinds of video content that can help boost the overall content marketing plan and also drive engagement. The most popular kinds of video content include live streams, product videos, and interviews, customer testimonials, paid ads, tutorials, video blogs, and more. Video content is growing by leaps and bounds and continues to be one of the most effective elements in any digital marketing strategy.

However, all is not as easy as it seems. Instagram creators keep checking the content posted for the number of likes and views. Likes and views are critical because they help in understanding the popularity and engaging nature of the posts. It also helps to know if people are viewing the posts and liking them, because that is what determines the credibility of the brand.

Instagram views and likes

To put it simply, influencers need views and likes on their posts to stay in the competition and to keep people aware of their brand. Now, what happens if views reduce or likes decrease?

First and foremost, it reduces the morale and demotivates the creator because there is a feeling of not getting recognition for the efforts put in. Secondly, as views and likes decrease, the Instagram algorithm reacts to slowly remove the profile from the search options or recommendations because it starts believing that the content is not good enough and people are not watching it.

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Instant Famous: Instagram Marketing Platform To Watch Out For In 2023 –