How to use GIT with your web hosting


If you’re a software developer, chances are you’re familiar with GIT. For those who aren’t, GIT is a distributed version control system that allows developers to track changes in their code, share code with others, and create different “branches” of their code to experiment with new features without affecting the main code base. 

In short, it’s an essential tool for any developer who wants to collaborate on code or manage their projects effectively. But what if you want to set up your GIT repository? The solution will be covered in this article.

What is GIT access in web hosting

GIT access is a protocol that allows developers to interact with a given codebase. In order to understand how GIT access works, it’s important to understand what codebase means. A codebase is simply the collection of all the files associated with a given project. 

When developers have GIT access to a codebase, they can download (or “clone”) the codebase onto their local machine. From there, they can make changes to the code and then push those changes back up to the server. 

Several web hosting (opens in new tab) providers offer GIT access as an add-on feature. That’s because having GIT access can be very helpful if you’re working on a website with multiple people. 

For example, if you’re working on a website with a team of developers, rather than each developer working on their own copy of the code and then trying to merge those changes later, everyone can simply clone the remote repository onto their local machine. 

From there, each developer can make their own changes and then push those changes back up to the server. That way, everyone will always be working off of the most up-to-date version of the code. 

How To Use GIT in web hosting?  

You can use GIT in web hosting in two ways: via a shared hosting (opens in new tab) account or via a VPS (opens in new tab) (virtual private server). If you have a shared hosting account, you will need to use the git clone command in order to…



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How to use GIT with your web hosting –