How to Ensure That Your Company Utilizes Viral Marketing Trends the Right Way


In 2023, social media marketing is king. If you want to stand out, it’s essential to employ viral marketing trends to put your brand on the map. But what is viral marketing? And how can you employ it in the right way to ensure your business is seen positively?

What Is Viral Marketing?

Viral marketing is a tactic that relies on your social media audience to promote your post. Unlike traditional marketing methods, viral marketing is organic. You aren’t paying for an ad to play on television or be printed in a magazine. Instead, you utilize popular social media trends in the hope that your audience will engage with your content and do the heavy lifting for you.

“Using popular social media trends the right way can help you get millions of new eyes on your business,” says Yusuf Shurbaji, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Prismfly, “If you do it right, viral marketing is an inexpensive way to reach thousands of customers in a short amount of time.”

An example of a successful viral marketing campaign would be when IHOP posted on Twitter they were changing their name to IHOB. People everywhere were retweeting the post, wondering what the B could stand for. IHOP remained the International House of Pancakes, but their little trick got their brand in front of millions of people quickly.

Pros and Cons of Viral Marketing

Content doesn’t always go viral for the right reasons. A post or video could have a negative effect if users see your content as offensive, tone-deaf, or a direct copy of a competitor’s ideas. In that case, you’ve gone viral for all the wrong reasons.

“Not all press is good press,” reminds Ubaldo Perez, CEO of Hush Anesthetics, “Going viral for the wrong reasons could seriously harm your brand. Take risks, but be cautious. Choose trends that naturally fit your brand’s aesthetic and allow you to put your best foot forward.”

The pros of viral marketing include that more people will recognize your brand, which can lead to pretty…



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How to Ensure That Your Company Utilizes Viral Marketing Trends the Right Way –