How To Build Email Funnels In ConvertKit

How To Build Email Funnels In ConvertKit

How To Build Email Funnels & Automation In ConvertKit

You’ve probably heard that there’s ‘money in the list’ and however said that isn’t wrong! Convertkit is the #1 Creator Marketing Platform for building an email list, use for email marketing and building a landing page that Converts. Get started with Convertkit here:


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In this video i'm going to be showing You how to build email funnels and Automation inside of Convertkit Welcome i'm pamela bassa the founder of The lucrative lady and i'm so excited About this video because i'm going to be Walking you through one of my favorite Platforms convertkit now what is Convertkit convertkit is a creator Marketing platform yes it is one of the Most essential tools that i've used to Grow my business and listen i'd never Ever shy away from talking about Convertkit like ever so i'm so excited Just because i know it's going to give You a ton of value today i'm going to be Breaking down one of the most questions That i get asked and i teach about this In my program so i sort of figured it Would be really great to share with you On this channel as well i'm talking all Things automation and email funnels Which is what literally gives you your Time back so that your business can run For you even when you're not actually Actively running it or working inside of Your business you know it's all about Working smarter not harder so how do we Do this through convertkit so i'm going To be walking you through how to build An email sequence inside of convertkit I'm going to be jumping behind my laptop Sharing my screen and showing you all

The goods so without further ado let's Talk about email sequences inside of Convertkit now what are email sequences Email sequences are literally a chain of Emails that you can build to keep your Email list engaged communicate with your Subscribers sell your products build Your email list build engagement tell People about whatever it is that you're Working on whether it's a podcast a new Offer a new program a new thing that you Are selling or you know to join your Life email sequences are the bees knees When it comes to you know really running Your business hands-free and buying back Your time email sequences are very Different to broadcast which you'll also Find inside of convertkit and i use them Both but you use them at different times So a broadcast is a one-time email so For example you might suddenly broadcast If you are sending out reminders for People to join your life for something Perhaps you're going to do a facebook Live or a youtube live It's not going to be a sequence because It's not something you are and that Requires a sequence it's a reminder so You're going to send it as a broadcast You might also use a broadcast if you're Doing a launch and it is a launch that You're not going to be doing again But you're doing it in that time or in That specific week or in that specific

Period so an email broadcast might be The right thing for that however an Email sequence is very different from a Broadcast whilst it's also there to help You to deliver your emails the purpose Of an email sequence is so that you are Able to deliver it time and time again Which is the opposite to an email Broadcast which is the one time so email Sequences over and over and over again This means that if somebody joins your List at whatever time of year and you Put them into a sequence they will get Those emails which is amazing right it Means that you don't have to keep Writing emails and scheduling emails so Sequences i find incredibly powerful now How do you create sequences inside of Convertkit well i'm going to show you Let's dive into my convertkit account And i'll walk you through So let's start off by showing you a very Quick way of building incredible email Sequences inside of convertkit so this Is my convertkit account i have several Accounts this is one of them so to build Your sequences you go over here to send And here you have several options you Definitely want this one that says Sequences so i'm going to click on that Now my convertkit account is very Seasoned i've had this account for many Many years so i do have a lot of Sequences built so to begin building

Your sequences you click over here to New sequence And then the first thing you want to do Is to name your sequence now before you Begin you definitely want to make sure That you have your emails written out in A google doc like i do so i have all my Emails written out i tend to begin by Actually planning my launch so if i'm um If my sequence is very specific launch Or whatever the sequence is for i plan It out so i tend to do either five-day Launches seven-day launches or nine-day Launches so this is uh me planning it Out so i know that day one of my launch I'm going to be sending two emails uh Day two one email and a video day three Uh which on this specific launch Happened to be on a saturday one email Day four sunday one email day five two Emails and one video day six uh two Emails at day seven Three emails now it does change this Isn't how i do all of my launches But i like to plan it out here so that i Know exactly what type of email sequence I'm building out inside of convertkit so I plan everything out here and i have All my emails my subject lines and i Just do the ground work before i even Get into convertkit so i'm going to Pretend like i'm planning a launch and I'm going to pop in a couple of emails Just so that you can see what i would do

In terms of a sequence so we begin by Naming your sequence you name your Sequence according to what your sequence Is for this helps you to keep track so In this instance this sequence I'm going to use that headline over There Because it's for this and i'm going to Add the word demo for myself just so That i can remember to delete this Because this is just for demo uh Purposes so once you have added your Sequence name you click on create Sequence over here And now we can begin creating our Sequence so you can see how simple it is Um to create your sequence all i'm going To do is literally copy and paste my Emails and that's why doing the Groundwork is very important so this is My first email so i've written a subject Line over here so I'm going to copy that and pop it in Here so this is my subject line 40k per Month passive income here's how i do it And then i'm going to grab my email body So what i do in my email uh in google Doc is that i also add everything that i Needed to have so if it needs to have a Video i would add the video if it needs Bullet points like this and add the Bullet points if i want somewhere to be In bold i'll make them in bold right Here inside of the google doc before i

Even um you know going to convert it i Just this is how i prefer to work if i Want some of the text in italics i would You know you know put that in and do it That way so now oh one more thing This over here This is uh uh pretty much the uh what is It called so if i click over here this Is how you insert the name Of the the personalization so over here Right so subscriber name so if i wanted To inside it you know send an email and I want the email to be very personal i Would insert uh this uh what would you Call it a code I would insert this into the actual Email so that when the subscriber Receives the email it addresses them by Name so what i do Is i actually copy this And i embed it into my emails like i Have done here so that that way when i Go into convertkit i literally just copy The whole thing and paste and i know That it'll work so as i have done that Already i'm going to copy all of this So the entire email Copy And then i am going to paste voila can You see how it has beautifully Transferred everything for me it's Transferred the bullet points for me It's transferred the word in bold It's transferred the words in italic you

See how just doing the groundwork oh i Just love convertkit it just makes life Just so much easier i don't have to come In and format everything over again it Just works i do give it a you know a Good read once over you know once i have Put it in sometimes you know just Reading it whilst it's inside of Convective you know shows me some things That i might want to change or improve Or you know whatever You see so for example this i would Definitely want it to be in bold and Probably Um a different color because it's um Uh you know it's talking about money Here price goes up in 24 hours i might Want to center this for example i might Want to add an emoji for example so So this emoji right here Where are we Hold on Let's try that again Voila Right so i might want to do that You know if i want it for example just Add an emergent date for your diary this Is very important so i definitely want To make this bold bootcamp date Oopsy Time Link to join Etc right so and then i would obviously End with a call to action over here but

Once i have added the call to action Or sign off rather Ps Ps uh join now The price goes up Tomorrow Something like that Right what i would then do is then go Through and you know add the links so Where are they joining right so i'm Gonna have a look at this and join now So this is obviously going to be Hyperlinked with a link so i'm going to Add that here This isn't the actual link but i'm just Adding this for the purpose of this what I might want to do is tag subscribers Who have clicked on a specific link so i Have a lot of tags here um that i've Already added and if i didn't have the Ad the tag already I can simply just add it in right uh Tag For demo Here create new tag Now If i click on add link over here Now this is hyperlinked you can see that It's underlined it means that anybody Who clicks on this link right um they Will be tagged so i would know that if i Sent this to 11 000 people for example i Would know how many people have clicked On this link um etc so this just helps

Me with my analytics in understanding How well my emails are working and so You'd obviously you know i'm not going To be sending this out because this is For demo purposes but if you were going To send this out you'd read your email Once more You then um check the date so for Example if this is the first in the Sequence you might want it to be sent Immediately um So i'm going to put zero um over here so This is the um i know that i want this To be sent this is the first email that They're going to receive you then you Might want to exclude some people from Receiving this this is what this means Over here there are two places that you Can do your exclusions I actually prefer to do my exclusions Inside of the automation part but as This part of the video is all about Sequences let me show you how to do them Here so if i click on this i can exclude Everybody um that i want but i do not Want to receive a specific email so all I have to do so exclusive subscribers From this email um who matches at the Filter let's say i wanted to exclude People who didn't want to be part of This specific tag that i had created Previously so there were 17 subscribers That said pam i want to unsubscribe from This i don't want to hear about it i

Could easily exclude them from receiving This specific email because i don't feel It will be right for them so now that I've added it i'm going to click away And this is going to be red right you See how it's gone red because it means That there are people uh in that who Will not receive this specific email and That's it once that's done all i then Have to do is hit publish and it changes From draft over here and and now you can See that it's published and i keep going So i add a second email I go back to my list I scroll down to my email number two I grab the subject line once more Right I pop the subject line in here and then I grab the email If you're wondering why my email is Highlighted in Green it's because this email has Already been sent so in my business we Use a traffic light symbol so when i Have sent published an email because you Know we write a lot of emails i we just Highlight them in green so that we know That this email is already in convertkit Somewhere it's in one of the sequences And if i Search for a sequence called passive Products cash flow emails um i will find This specific email was sent and the Reason why this isn't highlighted is

Because i believe we decided not to send That one after all but anyway let's keep Moving so i copied that one and now i am Pasting it and i would do the same thing Go through check the links read through And exclude whoever i need to exclude And then hit publish over here obviously Check the date you know in terms of How often are you sending this email and Send after one day that sounds about Right because that fits with my posting Schedule over here so we have day one Day two day three so this this is a Seven day back-to-back um uh type of Email um sequence over here and this is How you would set up your email sequence Once i hit publish over here I now have email number two and from Here you can see The subject line of the email um you can Also see uh when the emails are being Sent you can see that this one has some Exclusions because it has that funnel Whilst this one that hasn't got the Exclusions you can also change the order Of the emails so i could choose to move This up Move this down you know and save uh a New order of the emails i could choose To do all of that there's a number of Other things that we have the ability to To do inside of this section and that is That we can view the reports Now as you know um this is just for demo

Purposes so nobody has received this but How do i send this email out previously I could see you know um you know a lot Of my uh reports over here i can see What my open rates are i can see what my Click-through rates are i can see how Many people have been on have uh Requested to be unsubscribed from this Sequence removed have completed this Sequence the subscribers in this Sequence the unc unconfirmed subscribers Who are within this sequence and i can See the same information here at a Glance you also have the settings Over here which is a pretty useful this Is where you choose a number of things You know you do you decide on which Email you are sending from if you have More than one email your days for Sending uh Any exclusions that you want to exclude All of that will be there And of course um just some sequence Behavior so for example If you want people to be able to restart The sequence because perhaps it's a lead Magnet sequence and you know people are Going to join multiple times you know How people you know how we all are when We you know you grab something and it's Free and then you decide to you forget That you had it and then you grab it Again so you might go yes enable the Ability to restart the sequence multiple

Times however down here Down here i tend to say um yes Subscribers added by visual automation Should stay in the sequence i use this If i am if this is an evergreen type of Sequence where i am going to be adding Emails over a long period of time so for Example um in another video where you Know about how i use convertkit i'm Going to be sharing how i run my Newsletter through an evergreen sequence So if you're doing something that is Evergreen so this specific Launch is an evergreen right so i Wouldn't um put a yes there but if You're doing something that is evergreen And you know that you're going to Continuously add emails to that then you Sure want to click yes over here and Once you have read through and you have Updated everything you click over here On update sequence and it is done and in Order to go back to your emails the Actual content you click over here to Content and voila Zippidy duda you are back over here um In your email sequences so Um it's very very simple to use and i Love it because it just does a really Really great job so i hope you got a lot Of value from this video for how to Build email funnels and automation Inside of convertkit it's literally my Favorite thing to do and what powers my

Business i want to hear your questions Let me know what questions you have About automations about funnels i'm your Funnel girl so make sure you drop it Below this video and if you ever want to Check out convertkit i highly recommend That you do and in fact i'm going to pop A special link in the description of This video so make sure you click that Link to check it out it'll give you Access to a free trial that allows you To Use convection and build your email list From zero to a thousand subscribers Without paying for convertkit so what's There not to love go ahead and check out The link below this video click that Link in order to check out convertkit And i cannot wait to see all of the Amazing automations that you build in Your business Before you go this video is a part of a Wonderful series where i'm talking about Convertkit my favorite creator marketing Platform so go ahead and click check out This playlist to see the other videos in This series and i'll see you in my next Video see you then

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How To Build Email Funnels In ConvertKit –