How Long Does It Take To Learn How To Code Professionally?


This article is sponsored by Coder Academy.

The job market for coding has been booming in recent years, and only accelerated with working from home becoming more mainstream. With these revolutionary changes made to the way we work, a career in coding can offer amazing perks, from fantastic work-life balance to countless initiatives to help guide people in the industry. For this reason, Seek is predicting a 25% growth in jobs in the space over the next five years becoming one of the top five most in-demand roles post-covid.

Coding is no longer just limited to programming-heavy professions either. As the world moves further into digital spaces, a variety of different industries have started to transition into digital spaces also. Even graphic designers today need to know basic web development skills or HTML for practical reasons.

This is why there has been a huge push lately to drive the workforce towards programming jobs. Even three years ago, US President Joe Biden was telling coal miners to “learn how to code” and use their transferrable skills in a different industry. Because of this push, several initiatives have opened up to help people switch careers and break into the tech sector.

Giselle Lima is a great example of this career shift, graduating from a BootCamp course offered by Coder Academy, an all Australian private college that offers a variety of courses on coding and UX design. Giselle had been working in the manufacturing industry for 13 years and felt that they needed a huge refresh. She wanted to enter an industry where she could use some of her transferable skills, and work on creative projects that would challenge and nurture her problem-solving skills.

In the past ten months, Giselle has quit her job, enrolled in a fast-track Web Development Bootcamp at Coder Academy, and received a ‘Diversity in Tech’ scholarship as well. After completing a four-week internship, she has managed to secure a…



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How Long Does It Take To Learn How To Code Professionally? –