Client-side apps vs server-side apps: Pros and cons – London Business News


Client-side apps or server-side apps? Which is better?

Many developers will argue that server-side apps outperform client-side apps because the former performs better. But this method does not come without a few cons. Likewise, client-side apps have advantages and disadvantages.

Both are valid methods for mobile app development, and the choice between one or the other boils down to the developers’ goals, experience, and resources.

Keep reading and learn more about:

What are client-side rendering apps;
What are server-side rendering apps;
The pros and cons of CSRA;
The pros and cons of SSRA.
Client-side apps

With client-side rendering, access to a page is processed by the browser on the client’s device. Client-side rendering is a more modern method than server-side rendering. And why? Because there is no need to send an entire HTML page. Instead, the information is sent to the server, which responds with a simple HTML and a JavaScript file to load the page. This means that the process is faster, a vital feature for app users.


Quicker rendering process: by not having to load a complete HTML page, the loading process becomes swifter.

Cheap and simple to host: there are ways to host CSR apps on content delivery networks for free, making web servers unnecessary.

Minimum server usage: as the process happens on the client’s side, the server is available to perform other requests, which enhances the user experience.

Best for app development: app developers prefer CSR because it can be almost as smooth and fast as a native app.


Poor SEO: being based on JavaScript can compromise CSR ranking as Google struggles to index JavaScript-rendered apps and sites.

Bad first impression: the first load in client-side apps is usually slower than the rest, which can mislead users.

Negative experience on slow devices: since the loading process depends on the client’s device, those who have slow mobile devices or computers are at a disadvantage as it can take a few…



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Client-side apps vs server-side apps: Pros and cons – London Business News –