5 ways a web developer can improve their security – Web Hosting | Cloud Computing | Datacenter


Did you know that in the first half of 2022 alone, there were 817 instances of a data breach in the US? These cases led to over 50 million people being affected as a result.

As a web developer, you have a responsibility to keep risk to a minimum. We have compiled the most useful tips for you to achieve this.

1. Limit Access to The Sensitive Information

Not everyone working on a project with you will need access to all the project data. Keep the number of people who can access sensitive information to a manageable level. By doing this, you can reduce the risk of information being accessed or distributed without authorization.

You can achieve this by:

encrypting the information.
using password protection.
or the 2FA (Two Factor Authentication).

But don’t go to the extreme. Not all information requires the same level of protection. Use common sense and the company’s security protocols to determine what data has to have the highest security level.

2. Keep Your Software Updated

It’s important to have software in place to protect against cyberattacks. However, if the software is outdated, hackers can penetrate it easily. Updates help to patch security flaws and protect your data.

Moreover, if your software gets a virus, it can get passed to other people in your company.

While some software updates itself automatically, this is not always the case. Monitor the latest security patches and install them timely.

3. Use A Virtual Protection Network (VPN)

By using a VPN server, you can access the internet while masking your IP address. If hackers are aware of your IP address, this may enable them to find a way in to your database.

They could take not only the user data but also the data that relates to your site or even the device you’re using. A VPN encrypts your data, making it harder for cybercriminals to track.

4. Be Aware of Threats

Make sure all your staff know what threats they are looking out for. A good way to ensure that is cybersecurity training. Educate…



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5 ways a web developer can improve their security – Web Hosting | Cloud Computing | Datacenter – webhostingreviewsite.com