5 martech trends for 2023


AI sensation ChatGPT isn’t just a leap forward in generative AI technology. It’s part of a trend that at least one marketing technology (martech) expert thinks will shape marketing in 2023.

“AI tools that are able to create net new content have gone from being frankly science fair projects to things that are now starting to really deliver impressive results,” said Scott Brinker, who publishes chiefmartec.com and is vice president of platform ecosystem at HubSpot.

Brinker recently hosted a webinar where he laid out his five trends for martech in 2023.

1. Generative AI goes mainstream

OpenAI’s ChatGPT might be getting the most attention, but tools that use AI to generate text have picked up a lot of momentum this year.

“It’s not about turning over content production 100% to an AI tool,” said Brinker. “But it’s really more about giving superpowers to marketers, particularly content marketers, to be able to leverage AI to accelerate their production of everything from a blog post to all sorts of more specialized content.”

That means personalization will get a boost too.

“This is now the ability for these tools to dynamically generate cohesive content based on demographics, firmographics, technographics, psychographics, behavioral insight signals, engagement histories, and experimental cohorts.”

We’ve also included generative AI in our “Tech Trends to Watch for 2023” report.

2. Marketers activate cloud data warehouses

A unified data strategy has been a goal of marketers for years, and technologies like customer data platforms (CDPs) have helped. But at the bedrock are cloud data warehouses that allow teams to house and analyze all of their data. That’s changing. “It’s not just a static repository, but it’s becoming an interactive component in our stack,” said Brinker.

Data warehouses are increasingly supporting personalization by connecting customer relationship management platforms, CDPs, and more.
And the types of data now being housed at…..


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5 martech trends for 2023 – webhostingreviewsite.com