How to Write a Tutorial to Attract Customers


Tutorials are a staple of content marketing and an effective way to attract potential customers. In general, a tutorial is a teaching method dependent on examples. It shows the discrete steps to complete a task.

In marketing, tutorials are a form of “help” content — especially within a Hero-Hub-Help framework. They can create a sense of reciprocity, wherein the person using the tutorial feels obligated to your brand because of the helpful information you shared. Additionally, tutorials are beneficial for search engine optimization.

Tutorial Characteristics

Tutorials ought to be concise, understandable, and repeatable. Your audience should be able to follow the steps to achieve a predictable outcome, such as the completion of the task.

Sometimes this will be specific and prescriptive. For instance: how to make lasagna. Or it could be more general, such as this article: a tutorial about creating tutorials.

Tutorial Structure

While acknowledging a range of possible tutorial outlines, we can identify three fundamental parts typical to any decent tutorial, including:

Description of the task or problem,
Overview of the explanation,
Demonstration of how to complete the job.

Consider a short example: how to create a “Tweet This” link to share an article on Twitter.

A “Tweet This” link makes it easy for a reader to share content on Twitter.

Description. We will start by describing the task: How to make content easy to share on Twitter.

Create a “Tweet This” link to allow readers to share your content on Twitter and amplify your content’s reach.

Overview. Next, provide an overview of the explanation.

A “Tweet This” link is an encoded URL that includes the content to be shared, the associated web address, and a Twitter handle. The link consists of four parts you can easily write.

Demonstration. Finally, demonstrate the process.

1. The “Tweet This” link starts with a Twitter URL.

This link points to Twitter…



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How to Write a Tutorial to Attract Customers –