Bluehost review: Great-value web hosting for first-time site owners


At a glance

Expert’s Rating


Competitive introductory pricingGenerous featuresBeginner friendly, with customer support services such as website migration and a dedicated team of WordPress experts30-day refund policy


Lags behind competitors in support and reliabilitySteep price increase after initial purchase periodDocumentation isn’t easily found on the websiteStorage is limited, particularly in the Basic plan, which has been reduced from previous offerings

Our Verdict

Bluehost is a beginner-friendly web hosting platform that offers affordable introductory pricing, generous features, and easy setup for first-time website owners, but has limitations in support and reliability when compared to competitors such as HostGator and InMotion Hosting. The pricing increases significantly after the initial purchase period but still remains competitive with other providers.

Best Prices Today: Bluehost

Bluehost is a WordPress-endorsed web hosting platform that offers a wide array of hosting services. The initial startup price can’t be beat, and Bluehost offers generous features and easy on-boarding for first-time website owners. However, support and reliability are subpar, with competitors like HostGator and InMotion Hosting having an edge.

Bluehost: Pricing

One of Bluehost’s top advantages is its competitive introductory pricing for its services. The amount you’ll save on your first purchase depends on which type of plan you go with and how many months you decide to purchase the plan for during your initial checkout.

The amount you can expect to save, though, ranges anywhere from 20 percent to as much as 76 percent. For example, if you subscribe to Bluehost’s Shared Hosting service for 12 months, this is what the initial fee versus the renewal fee looks like.

Marshall Gunnell / Foundry

Or, if you wanted to go with the Dedicated Hosting service for maximum performance and optimization, this is what you’d expect to pay…



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Bluehost review: Great-value web hosting for first-time site owners –