Catch Your Prospects Attention with These Cold E-mail Tips

Catch Your Prospects Attention with These Cold E-mail Tips

In this video, you’re going to learn how to write effective cold emails that gets opened. I’m going to walk you through two email examples of actual cold emails that I’ve received and we’re going to apply some of the 15 email marketing tips that I’ve recently shared.

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0:00 – Introduction to How to Write a Cold E-mail That Actually Gets Read

00:49 – E-mail Example #1: Domain Salesman

Subject: Following up on XYZ

“Hi, Will. We at .Inc Domains, recognizes that it’s been a turbulent few months and sincerely hope that you and your family stay safe throughout these difficult times. Since the .Inc internet domain was recently released, startups and established businesses have been securing their brands.
Over 55% of the fortune 500 companies already own their .com domains, including Apple, Amazon, Google, Goldman Sachs, and more. XYZ is currently available for sale to anyone. Don’t let anyone else beat you to your firm’s .inc domain. Protect your brand and your online reputation by acquiring today from your preferred registrar or brand protection agency. I’m here to help. Feel free to call me for more details. Thank you, David.”

– This example email doesn’t address ANA (Audience, Needs, Ask) very well.
– It is focused on trying to empathize with the audience, but it doesn’t really move the email forward
– The subject line uninspiring
– The main need is not highlighted in the first section of the email
– The call to action is unclear

3:34- E-mail Rewrite #1

A few things to rework this email:

– Lead with the point that anyone can buy the .inc domain.

“Did you know that Google had to pay thousands of dollars to get back their domain? No, seriously. Here’s an article on that.”

– Outline the problem

“If Google can make this sort of mistake, then you can too.”

– Approach how we can solve this problem.

“An easy way to protect your brand and online reputation is securing your different domains. At .Inc Domains, we do exactly that for you.”

– Present solutions.

“If you’d like to protect yourself and join the 55% of other fortune 500 companies that already own their .inc domains, reply back, and I’ll take care of this for you.”

7:04 – E-mail Example #2: Lead Gen

Subject Line: Virtual LeadGen for XYZ

“Hi, Will. I’ve been generating inbound leads and sales for companies like XYZ, over the last year with great success and zero advertising costs. I would love to talk to you about a few channels and strategies that are working best for my clients and can work for you as well. Would you be open to 10 free leads in for five minutes of your time? If so, sign up here. Feel free to visit our website Sincerely, Felipe.”

– The subject line is not super engaging.
– Felipe spends a lot of his email talking about what he’s done for other clients, as opposed to what he can do for me.
– He used statements that use the “I” phrase a lot more.
– Call to actions are super unclear.

9:34 – E-mail Rewrite #2

Subject Line: “Quick question on XYZ’s LeadGen”

This subject line is a little more personalized than the prior one but more importantly, it is focused on this email being a really low lift email.

“With everything going on right now in the world, is your sales team getting enough leads? If not, I did some research and found 10 leads that might be valuable to you because they are in your ideal customer profile.”

Make it really clear that if they have this problem, you have already identified a solution for them.

“Mind if I send it over?”
This makes it super easy for me to follow up on this email in the case where the business owner doesn’t respond to me.

12:04 – Two Big Takeaways to Remember:
1. Always remember ANA. Who is your audience? What are their needs? What is your ask of them?
2. Always make sure that your call to actions are ELI5 proof.

What do you do to make sure that your emails get people’s attention?

Grow with Will is all about helping you grow your business, get more customers, and hone your business acumen. I teach you the real-world business skills you didn’t learn in school to help take you from zero to self-starter.

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Disclosure: Some links and products are affiliate links, meaning Grow with Will will earn a commission if you make a purchase through our links, at no cost to you.

Disclaimer: Grow with Will does not provide tax, legal, or accounting advice. This video, and the ideas presented in it, are for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice.

If your email marketing is
falling flat, stick around. This video is the first of several
in which I'm going to share email Marketing tips that gets you
more clicks, sales and opens. Stick around with me until the end
when I go over my number one method for Getting an additional 10% email open
rate with less than five minutes of work. If you find these videos helpful, be
sure you smash that like button below. By doing so you'll help more small
business owners, entrepreneurs, And self-starters find this video. As usual, feel free to jump around
and review anything we go over With the following timestamps. Without further ado, let's get into it. Tip number one is to use If you're new to email marketing,
then you're probably a chicken running With its head cut off right now. And so using a tool like can help you out. It's a free tool that you can use to
send a test version of your email too To see whether or not it's going to
get triggered by any spam detectors. It also run a check for your
domain to see whether or not your Domain is on any black blacklist. In case you didn't know, if you send
too many emails, they get marked as Spam it'll impact your deliverability. So, it's really important that you're
sending emails that pass the filters And aren't getting marked as such. That way your future email campaigns
don't get impacted negatively. What this means is that in the case, in
which you are blacklisted, your email Might not even end up in the mailbox
of the person you're trying to reach. Mail tester is also great for
detecting potential words that Will flag these sorts of filters. Common words are things like
free or discount or reward. Look, the reality is that in today's day
and age, everybody is getting bombarded With sales emails every single day. So, the first and most important
rule of email marketing is to make Sure that your emails are even
making it to people's inboxes. Comment below if you agree that
you think that you get way too many

Sales emails, every single day. Tip number two is less "I",
or "We", and more "You". If you want to know the number
one way that you can have somebody Not give a hoot about your email,
it's by talking about yourself. That could be talking about your
sales, for business or your life. But the reality is that
honestly, no one cares. And so one of the easiest ways that
you can improve your email marketing Is to focus more on your customer. In other words, look for the situations
in which you're talking about your own Business or yourself by using words like
"I", or "we", and try to think about How you can reposition that phrase to me
more focused on your potential customer. This isn't rocket science,
but we make this mistake all The time in email marketing. Even the biggest brands make this mistake. So, make sure that you don't. I know that when it comes to my company,
whenever we release a new feature, we Are super tempted to send out an email,
sharing all about this feature in all The work that we put behind the feature. But the reality is that your customer
won't actually care about the feature Unless you position it around them. No one cares about the background
research that your product manager did In order to make this feature reality. They only care about how
it's going to help them. Find key opportunities to work
in more words like "you" or "your" into all of your emails. As a result, you'll start to see that
there's an increase in your open rates When you use this in your subject
lines, as well as engagement and click Throughs in your actual email body. By the way, in case you're new
here, I teach you sales, digital Marketing, and entrepreneurship
with new videos every single week. If that sounds like your cup of
tea, hit that subscribe button and That notification bell to get new
videos every single week that take You from zero to self-starter. Also, I know these first
two tips for money.

So if you haven't already hit that like
button, be sure to do so right now. Tip number three is to make your
call to actions, ELI5-proof. What that means is to make sure
that it's super simple, that a Five-year-old could understand it. A call to action is exactly
what it sounds like. It's when you want your user
to take a particular behavior. That could range from doing things
like clicking into an article, clicking Into a page or submitting a form. The reality is that unless you're
this skim or morning brew and you Have a full-time team of dedicated
copywriters, you can benefit From cutting down on your CTAs. I want you to ask yourself, what is the
one CTA that you want your reader to take From this email that you're sending them? Think about it from the lens
of your ideal customer profile. If they were to read your email
message, is it crystal clear What they need to do next? Since I went over how to start a tutoring
business in a prior video, let's assume That we're an online tutor trying to
sell bundled services to our clients. A bad CTA would fall along the
lines of, "feel free to get in Touch with me if you'd like to
schedule a block of sessions." A better CTA could be something along
the lines of "click here to save on Your next five tutoring sessions." That button would then take
the user to an explainer page Where they could then check out. Notice the big difference here. In my first example, I'm being
super passive about my ask. Whereas in my second example, I am
being much more direct and aligned To the benefits to my client. So bottom line, if a kid would
struggle to understand your CTA, Then it can be made even better. Two more easy ways that
you can improve your CTAs. The first one is you can use carrot
tops to essentially signal to the user To click a particular link in a plain
text email, or if you're creating a Nicely designed HTML email, you can
make sure that you use a button that

Has a bold color, like a Royal blue
and put it against white color text. Tip number four is to
tease out your next email. Have you ever watched a Marvel
movie and thought about how Brilliant the directors are? The reason why I say that is because
they get you to watch an entire movie. And also, in most cases, the end
credits for that extra 30 seconds to a Minute that teases out the next film. Comment below if you're one of
those people that sticks until The end, when it comes to Marvel. What's brilliant about this tactic is that
it builds anticipation for the viewer. Here we are just sitting
back in our chair. We just watched a great movie and
we're watching end credits for three To four minutes at a time just for
that extra 30 seconds or a minute. This teaser gives us just enough
excitement in order to look forward To the next time that we're going
to be back in theater, watching The next Marvel movie and waiting
for that next exclusive trailer. However, this behavior
didn't happen overnight. It had to be conditioned with our audience
and the same thing applies to emails. An easy way to boost your list
engagement and to get more users Excited about the next time you email
them is to tease out the next thing That you're going to tell them about. Here's what I mean. Let's say that we're sending an
onboarding email sequence and we want Our user to create their account. Your first email would be
something along the lines of, "Welcome aboard to our service. Here's the next steps in
order to set up your account." Most email marketers
would simply stop there. They wouldn't actually outline the
next steps after they've initially Set up or confirm their account. But a better email marketer would then
take that opportunity to tease out the Next thing they're going to go over. They could do this with a simple line
along the lines of, "Tomorrow we're going To go over how to create your first XYZ."

Most people would save all the
next steps for the second email. But the problem with this approach is
that it doesn't build any anticipation Or excitement with our user. A simple way we can improve this
is by simply wrapping up our first Email with something along the lines
of "Tomorrow we're going to go over How to create your first report
so that you can X, Y, Z benefits." Notice the difference here
by simply teasing out what They're going to get tomorrow. They have more of a reason
to open up the next email. I've done this strategy before with five
day and seven day campaigns in which I'm emailing a person every single day. And I've seen the same sorts of
open rates as normal campaigns That are more spaced out. And I think the reason why is because
when we're able to build some anticipation For our next email, people are more
forgiving and more accepting of Receiving more correspondence from you. Ultimately, we just want to give
them as much value as possible. And that's one of the
benefits of this approach. It absolutely works. And I know you're thinking, Oh, they're
just going to unsubscribe even more, But I promise you, as long as you manage
the expectations, it can actually help Your email engagement quite a bit. Tip number five is super simple. And it's to resend your emails. Guys, if you're not doing
this, you are missing out. I've tested it in multiple niches before
on different lists and it always works. It's honestly as simple as exporting
your first campaign and figuring Out who has opened your email
and then resend them that email. You can either change up the subject
line if you want, or just send the Actual same email because they might've
missed it the first time in their inbox. Personally, I like to include a
line that goes along the lines of, "Just wanting to follow up since
I know you could benefit from this Email, let me know what you think." By doing so you're not just
following off with somebody.

You're actually telling them again
and reaffirming to them why you are Emailing them in the first place. Every time I've done this, I get
on average, 10% more opens to that Original message that I wanted to send. Ultimately things come up. So you want to give your prospects and
your customers multiple opportunities To see the message that you are
trying to communicate to them. If you use a service like
ActiveCampaign, they make it super Simple for you to resend your
campaign to those that don't open. So, be sure to check them
out if you haven't already. Two big takeaways from today's video. The first one is to keep your
emails focused on your customer. At the end of the day, they don't
care about you or your business. They only care about what you or
your business can do for them. So, keep the subject and
all eyes on your customer. Ultimately, if you can't speak on
why your email benefits them, then You shouldn't be emailing them. The second big takeaway is to make
sure that you tease your emails and That you're resending campaigns. It's really important that you're
building excitement every single Time that you're reaching out to your
customers and that you're resending Value when you know that it's an
important message that your customer May have just missed the first time. Now it's your turn. Tell me in the comments below what
your favorite email marketing tip is. I'd love to hear about it, and I'm sure
others in the community would as well. I read and try to respond
to every single comment. If you like this video, you'll
love my email jumpstart kit, and You're going to get a ton more of
my email marketing tips for free. So be sure to check that out in the
link in the video description below. If you haven't already, do me a
favor and hit that like button below. By doing so, you'll help more people
that are trying to improve their Email marketing do so with this vide. That's it for this time thoug.

If you guys like this video, you're
going to love my next video, because I'm going to dig even deeper into email
marketing tips with another five tips. In the meantime, be sure to
check out these videos that YouTube thinks you might like.

About the author

Catch Your Prospects Attention with These Cold E-mail Tips –